Data Request FAQ

Can I request a copy of my student’s school records from OSA?

No. You must contact your student’s school (or previous school) directly.

Do you process Freedom of Information Law (FOIL) Requests?

No. FOIL requests are managed by the Buffalo City School District’s Board of Education Office and may be submitted in one of three ways:

  1. Online submission

  2. Via email to lmkeane

  3. Via mail to Buffalo City School District

                            FOIL OFFICER

                            65 Niagara Square, Room 801 City Hall

                            Buffalo, NY 14202

Do I need IRB approval to conduct research?

Yes. All research involving human subjects conducted by non-BPS and BPS faculty, staff, students, and individuals must be reviewed and approved by an Institutional Review Board prior to the start of the research. Those submitting protocols to the BPS Research Review Committee must have completed the CITI human subjects training within three years of the protocol submission and provide evidence or the protocol will not be approved.

Do BPS employees need to submit a research request for class projects?

Yes. ANYONE interested in conducting research in BPS must have approval prior to starting any research activities. This includes BPS employees conducting research outside of their job-related responsibilities, university faculty and research staff, students, independent research firms, government agencies, and other individuals or organizations interested in conducting research in BPS.

The following are examples of research activities that require approval by BPS:

  • Collecting primary data (through surveys, interviews, or focus groups) from students, parents, teachers, administrators, or other BPS staff

  • Conducting observations of school sponsored activities, including classes, staff workshops, parent teacher meetings, etc.

  • Accessing administrative/secondary data (i.e., data that is not publicly available) to support research activities

Who can submit an internal data request?

This form is only to be completed by BPS employees requesting data necessary for their work.

Can I submit an internal data request on behalf of a community partner or agency?

No. They should submit an External Data Request.

Do I have to include a template?

No. However, including a template will better assist OSA with fulfilling complex data requests if you need a certain format.

How can I get student records for a new student in my building?

You may put in a data request for BPS internal or NYS assessment scores, but all others must go to the student’s previous district.

Who can submit an external data request?

Applicants must be individuals or organizations with a relationship with the Buffalo Public Schools who are requesting data as part of their collaboration with the BPS OR individuals from other educational institutions.