Employee Assistance Program
New EAP Partner!

The Buffalo Public Schools is excited to announce that we are partnering with Child and Family Services to provide our Employee Assistance Program services.
C+FS Employee Assistance Program
C+FS has a 40+ year history of making proactive, comprehensive, personal, and cost-effective assistance programming available to the Western New York community. They help provide support with the understanding that individual and family wellness leads to positive impacts on workplace productivity and contributes to overall community health and resilience.
Child and Family Services Employee Assistance Program supports communities and families by providing high quality, easily accessible services to its members, through resilience building interventions and connection with community resources.
Guiding Principles of C+FS
The Child and Family Services grounds all policy, procedures and decision making through a Trauma Informed Care (TIC) lens for all members (organizations, individual and household members). We understand that trauma plays a role, in our households, communities, and organizations. We strive to recognize the centrality of trauma, avoid re-traumatization, and ensure that all activities are directed by the five guiding principles of TIC, as follows:
We will work to ensure both the physical, emotional and psychological safety of our members and staff.
We will ensure trustworthiness through clear, consistent, culturally sensitive service delivery.
We will maximize choice through all aspects of service delivery.
We will deliver services based on collaboration and best available knowledge and practices.
We will empower EAP members to have voice in the development and delivery of service.
Child and Family Services EAP offers a range of highly rated organizational, and employee supports including:
EAP counseling/coaching
Work-life resources
Organizational consultations
24-hour support counseling
Critical Incident Response (CIR).
Here is a link to their Orientation video on EAP - C+FS Orientation Video
Please click to view the EAP webpage that has information about the EAP services offered and resources available - C+FS EAP
Call Child and Family Services at 716-681-4300

Crisis Services & Text Helpline
Crisis Services for Buffalo and Erie County provide services for those who are in a state of emotional crisis.
24 Hour Crisis Services Hotline - Call: 716-834-3131 or Text: 716-300-2338 (Text line available 6 PM-11 PM Monday - Friday)
Spectrum CARES Team - Call: 716-882-4357
24 Hour Addiction Hotline - Call: 716-831-7007
Erie County Warmline (Peer-provided support for non-crisis calls) Call: 716-248-2941 or Text: 716-392-22221 (Daily 4pm - 11pm)
211 WNY - Free & Confidential link to health and human services - 24/7 access. Call: 211 or visit www.211wny.org
Kids' Helpline - Local: 716-834-1144 or National: 1-877-KIDS-400
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - Dial: 988
NYS State Domestic Violence & Sexual Violence Hotline - Call: 1-800-942-9606 or Text: -844-977-2121
Chautaugua County Hotline - Call: 1-800-724-0461
Niagara County Crisis Hotline - 716-285-3515
Crisis & Domestic Violence Shelters
Community Missions
(716) 285-3403
1570 Buffalo Avenue, Niagara Falls NY 14303
Serving: Niagara County
Haven House-Child and Family Services
(716) 884-6000
P.O. Box 451, Ellicott Station, Buffalo NY 14205
Serving: United States including WNY
Shelter & Food Resources
In need of shelter - 158 Pearl St, 1st Floor, Buffalo NY or Call: 211