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CTE Student Scholarships

Scholarship Title

What Students Qualify?

Scholarship Award(s) Available

Due Date

Scholarship Details & Application

NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program

Must be in top 10% of your NYS high school graduating class.

Must apply in high school senior year

Attend a SUNY or CUNY college immediately following high school graduation

Pursue a degree in an approved STEM program of study

Enrolled in full-time study

Live in NYS an work in an approved STEM occupation for five years

Covers tuition expenses at a SUNY or CUNY college.

Awards are reduced by the amount of any other tuition assistance awards received, such as NYS TAP

8/15/2025 for the 2025-2026 Academic School Year

Click here to learn more and apply

Character Council of WNY Scholarship Program

High school senior enrolling full-time in a college or trade school the Fall following graduation

Based on how student conveys the importance of character in their life.

Students of all academic abilities are encouraged to apply

$1,000 cash scholarship

Must be postmarked by March 1 of the student's graduating year.

Click here to learn more and apply.

National Technical Honor Society

Current members of National Technical Honor Society Sponsored Scholarships

Various Scholarships
check out the link and focus on the following

  • Jon H. Poteat Scholarship -
    Two Hundred Fifty (250) $1,000 Scholarships Awarded to any current NTHS member.

  • ASE Scholarship -
    One $500 Scholarship Awarded to auto students

  • Build Your Future Scholarship -
    Five $2,000 Scholarships Awarded to construction program students

  • NTHS BPA Scholarship - Three $1,000 Scholarships Awarded to members looking to bring outstanding leadership, citizenship, academic, and technological skills to the workforce.

Jon H. Poteat Scholarship May 1

ASE Scholarship
April 30

Build Your Future Scholarship
April 1

NTHS BPA Scholarship
March 14

Click here to learn more and apply.

Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation Scholarship Program

Students who plan to enroll in a part-time or full-time firefighter, law enforcement, or emergency medical (paramedic or EMT) program at an accredited two-year or four-year college, university, or vocational-technical school for the entire upcoming academic year.

Twenty (20) $5,000 scholarships will be awarded

April 18, 2025 by 4pm

Click here to learn more and apply.

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