AU 150 - Into to Auto Technology - 2 credits
AU 268 - NYS Inspection - 1 credit

Automotive Repair Technology is currently offered at Burgard Vocational High School
Students explore engine, brake, chassis, and transmission repair on a variety of late model vehicles. In a state-of-the-art auto shop, aspiring mechanics learn the technical skills needed to diagnose and repair problems with today’s sophisticated automobiles and perform New York State Inspections. Students in this program will be prepared to pursue careers as automotive mechanics, technicians, and parts specialists.
Students in auto repair technology have the opportunity to enroll in the Advanced Manufacturing Program. Advanced Manufacturing Program (AMP) is an Early College Program, dedicated to advanced manufacturing in the fields of automotive repair technology, precision machining, and welding. The program offers students the opportunity to earn up to 18 college credits at no cost to them or their parents, through a dual enrollment format. The college partner for the AMP program is Alfred State College.
Program Course Sequence
9th Grade
Career & Financial Management
single period
10th Grade
Automotive Repair Technology 10
double period
11th Grade
Automotive Repair Technology 11
double period
12th Grade
Automotive Repair Technology 12
double period

Areas of Study
Career Options
Work-Based Learning
Break Service
Suspension System Service
Lighting & Electrical Systems
Steering Service
Heating and Cooling
Vehicle Maintenance
Engine Repair
Auto Mechanic
Part Specialist
Small Engine Mechanic
Auto Technician
Tire Service/Repairperson
School-based enterprise
Job Shadowing
Service Learning
Industry-Based Projects
Mayor's Summer Youth Internship
Guest Speakers
Industry Tours
Paid or Unpaid Internships
Articulation Agreements

Course: Waiving of Specific First Year Requirements Based on Individual Student Proficiency
Advanced Manufacturing Program

Students who are in the Advanced Manufacturing Program are dually enrolled in the following Alfred State College Course:
AUTO 1109 - Brakes, Steering, and Suspension Systems - 9 college credits - enrolled during Auto Repair 11 and 12
To find out more about this program please contact the Career and Technical Education Office at 716-816-3700
For registration information: Visit Buffalo Schools' Student Placement & Registration Department