PH 120 - Environmental Science - 3 credits
PH 121 - Lab For Environmental Science - 1 credit

Conservation is currently offered at McKinley High School and Riverside Academy
Natural Resources Management courses combine the fields of ecology and conservation with planning for the efficient use and preservation of land, water, wildlife, and forests. Within the general area of natural resources management, these courses usually cover specific topics and uses, such as hunting or fishing preserves, forest production and management, wildlife preservation, and human outdoor recreation.
Program Course Sequence
9th Grade
Career & Financial Management
single period
10th Grade
Conservation 10
double period
11th Grade
Conservation 11
double period
12th Grade
Conservation 12
double period

Areas of Study
Career Options
Work-Based Learning
Aquatic Ecology
Wildlife Management
Restoration Ecology
Fish ID
Invasive Species Research & Management
Terrestrial Ecology
Conservation Scientist and Forester
Environmental Science and Protection Technician
Forest and Conservation Worker
Zoologist an Wildlife Biologist
Agricultural and Food Science Technician
Environmental Engineering Technologists and Technician
Job Shadowing
Service Learning
Industry-Based Projects
Mayor's Summer Youth Internship
Guest Speakers
Industry Tours
Paid or Unpaid Internships
Articulation Agreements

HRT 100 - Introduction to Horticulture - 3 credits
To find out more about this program please contact the Career and Technical Education Office at 716-816-3700
For registration information: Visit Buffalo Schools' Student Placement & Registration Department