IN100 - Introduction to Crime Scene Technology - 3 credit hours

Forensic Technology is currently offered at East Community High School
Forensic Technology offers many opportunities to students interested in forensic science, criminal investigation and the criminal justice system. Forensic Tech identifies, collects, preserves, and processes evidence that may be used in the investigation of a crime or accident. Students participating in this program will learn computer and investigative techniques along with criminal law and forensic science.
Program Course Sequence
9th Grade
Career & Financial Management
single period
10th Grade
Introduction to Forensics
double period
11th Grade
Intermediate Forensics
double period
12th Grade
Advanced Forensics
double period

Areas of Study
Career Options
Work-Based Learning
Criminal Justice System
Fiber, Handwriting & Hair Analysis
Crisis Intervention
Investigative Techniques
Blood Splatter Analysis
Crime Scene Diagrams
Human Anatomy
Forensic Science Technician
Police and Detective
Private Detective
Crime Scene Investigator
Crime Laboratory Analyst
Latent Print Examiner
Forensic Psychologist
Job Shadowing
Service Learning
Industry-Based Projects
Mayor's Summer Youth Internship
Guest Speakers
Industry Tours
Paid or Unpaid Internships
Articulation Agreements


FS 101 - Introduction to Forensic Science - 3 credit hours
CJ 101 - Introduction to Criminal Justice - 3 credit hours

CRJU 103 - Introduction to the Justice System - 3 credit hours
PLEG 100 - Introduction to Legal Studies - 3 credit hours
INFT 124 - Computing Essentials - 3 credit hours
To find out more about this program please contact the Career and Technical Education Office at 716-816-3700
For registration information: Visit Buffalo Schools' Student Placement & Registration Department