BPS Community Schools

BPS Community Schools Overview
Beginning in the 16-17 school year, under the leadership of Dr. David Mauricio, the Office of Strategic Alignment and Innovation launched their first 13 Community Schools. Today, with Dr. Alyssa Monfuletho at the helm, this number has grown to 22 Community Schools.
During the 23-24 school year, the BPS Community Schools Initiative is taking a giant leap forward, with new partnerships and collaborations introduced into every Buffalo Public School in the District. These connections will provide access to resources and dynamic programming to accommodate all adaptations of the Community School strategy.
BPS Community Schools Vision:
Our Community Schools will attract families using a “whole child” model to increase student outcomes and improve the surrounding communities.
BPS Community Schools Mission:
Build bridges between families and communities, leading to improved student learning, increased parent engagement, and healthier students.
BPS Community School programs are coordinated along four pillars of support:
1. Integrated Student Supports
2. Expanded Learning Time and Opportunities
3. Family and Community Engagement
4. Collaborative Leadership and Practice
BPS Community School Locations
The 22 BPS Community Schools are broken into 4 distinct quadrants of the city, Northeast Zone, South Zone, East Zone, and West Zone. Each schools is supported by one of our CBO partners (BestSelf, The Belle Center, Matt Urban, or Northwest Community Center) as well as Say Yes Buffalo.