Home School FAQ


  • CRC = BPS Central Registration Center  

  • IHIP = Individualized Home Instruction Plan 

  • LOI = Letter of Intent

  • NYSED = New York State Education Department

  • OHS = Office of Home School


How do I enroll my child in Home School?

Please visit the Home School Enrollment Process page of the BPS Home Schooling website for a step-by-step guide to registering your child in Home School.  The first step is to submit the Letter of Intent.

Can I enroll my child in Home School after the start of the school year?  

Yes, parents/guardians can start home schooling at any time by submitting a Letter of Intent to BPSHomeSchooling. Complete the Letter of Intent for any child(ren) you need to register for Home School. 

What if I moved or no longer home school my child?

If your child is no longer a BPS Home School student, please email BPSHomeSchooling and provide a brief description of the circumstances, which may include:

  • Your child has transferred to a private school/non-public school

  • You moved out of the City of Buffalo; if this is the case, please let us know where you moved and the date you left Buffalo.

  • Your child has completed all home school requirements as per NYSED Commissioner's Regulation Part 100.10

  • Your child has passed the GED assessment

What if I want to enroll my child back into a Buffalo Public School?

If you decide to enroll your child(ren) in the public school system, you may do so at any time. Reach out to the Central Registration Center at 33 Ash Street to discuss school options for your child. 

Are Home School students able to return to BPS schools?

Yes, students who are homeschooled can return to a BPS school at any time during the school year. However, not all schools may have available seats. If you decide to enroll your child(ren) in the public school system, reach out to the Central Registration Center at 33 Ash Street to discuss school options for your child. It is important to note that once your child is assigned to a school, you may be asked to provide home school documentation in order to verify your child's grade level. It is up to the discretion of the school principal to award credit for any courses that may have been taken while the child was homeschooled.   


Where can I find the required Home School forms and templates?

All forms are available on the  Home School Enrollment Process page on our website.

After the LOI is sent, what are my next steps?

Once your LOI is received by the Office of Home Schooling, you will receive a confirmation email. You have 30 days from receipt of the confirmation email to submit a comprehensive Individualized Home Instruction Plan or IHIP.

Do I have to use the templates for the Home School forms, or can I use my own?

You are not required to use the templates provided on our website. You may use your own forms or those generated by on online program/home school network. 

Can I take a picture of a form or document and email it to you?

Yes. We are able to accept submissions in Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, as well as digital photos taken with your smartphone. If you submit a document via Google Docs, please ensure the document is not password protected. For Apple Mac users, please export files created in Pages into Adobe PDF or Microsoft Word format. You may also simply type submissions directly into the body of an email. Everything should be emailed to BPSHomeSchooling

Where can I get help to complete an IHIP?

There are many resources available online to help you complete your IHIP. Here are a few different website that may provide some useful information:

I home schooled my child last year. Do I still need to submit an LOI and IHIP?

Yes. An LOI, IHIP, 4 quarterly reports, and an end-of-year assessment/narrative are due every year.

How can I get a letter verifying that my child is in compliance with Home School requirements?

Requests for Verification of Home Schooling can be emailed to BPSHomeSchooling. Verification letters cannot be given if your child’s program is not in complete compliance with NYSED guidelines. This means we must have on record the Letter of Intent, IHIP, quarterly reports and a narrative/final assessment as specified.

How can my home-schooled student obtain working papers?

Home schooled students who are of working age and are in compliance with NYSED home school regulations are eligible for working papers. Working papers for home schooled students can be obtained in City Hall, room 427. Please bring this completed application, along with proof of age, and a certificate of physical fitness from the student's medical provider. It is preferred that you contact the OHS at BPSHomeSchooling to schedule an appointment for obtaining working papers.


Are home-schooled students eligible for a district-issued laptop or iPad?

No, all electronic devices must be provided by the parent/guardian. 

Are home-schooled students eligible to participate in after-school programs or sports teams?

No, home school students cannot participate in district extracurricular activities. However, they are encouraged to attend Saturday Academies at any of our Community Schools. 

If my child has an IEP and receives related services such as physical therapy, how can I ensure they continue to receive those services while being home schooled?

If your child has been identified as a child with a disability or if you suspect that your child has an educational disability, they may be entitled to receive services, such as physical, occupational, and/or speech therapy. To have your child evaluated by the BPS Committee on Special Education, please contact Erik Smith at EDSmith to discuss the provisions of such services. 


Is Home School the same as medical leave instruction?  

No. Home school is a model in which parents teach their children instead of sending them to a traditional public or private school. When enrolled in home school, the parent is fully responsible for the education of their child, including selecting the subjects, curriculum, and materials/resources, setting the schedule, and providing instruction. 

If a student has a documented medical or psychological condition, they may qualify for medical leave instruction. Please contact the medical leave office at Medicalexemptions.

Where can I find information about New York State regulations on home schooling?

NYSED CR Part 100.10 and the accompanying Q&A can be found on the NYSED Home Schooling page.

If my student is enrolled in an online school, can they still get a high school diploma?

New York State does not recognize online schools and thus, students who are home schooled via an online school throughout 12th grade do not receive a high school diploma from New York State. If desired, they may take the GED exam. A high school diploma may only be awarded to a student enrolled in a registered secondary school who has completed all program requirements set by the New York State Board of Regents, the school or district. 


How do I make an appointment to speak with someone in the Home School office?

Please send an email to BPSHomeSchooling to schedule an appointment with someone in the Office of Home School.

How do I contact the OHS?

The best way to contact the Office of Home School is to email us at BPSHomeSchooling.