Loan Forgiveness FAQ

Please read through the entire FAQ
Send all requests and questions to Loanforgiveness

  1. Where do I find information about Public Service Loan Forgiveness?


      • Please keep in mind that BPS does NOT use the PSLF Help Tool because we cannot edit the document for errors/inconsistencies.  Please do not use the PSLF Help Tool as each individual request also sends us multiple automated e-mails and clogs up our e-mail address, thereby, considerably slowing down our time to process all applications.

      • The Link to the PSLF Application Form is: You will need to fill out the cover sheet while we fill out the Employment Verification part on your behalf.  You do NOT need to send us this.  

  2. Where do I go to apply?

    • To send in a request for processing from BPS for a PSLF Employment Verification Form, please send an e-mail request strictly to Loanforgiveness. Please do not send anything to specific BPS Staff Members as it will only complicate and slow down the process for getting your application back to you in a timely fashion.  The only staff that handle this matter are at the above e-mail address.

  3. How do I know if I qualify?

    • The parameters for qualification for the PSLF and other forms of Federal Loan Forgiveness can be found at

  4. What are the minimum qualifications for the PSLF?

    • To qualify for the PSLF:

      • You must average at least 30 hours a week,

      • Have been considered Full-Time while working for BPS

      • Have already made at least 120 qualifying monthly payments.

  5. Do Sub Teachers qualify?

    • Usually, they will not.  According to Federal Guidelines, they must average 30 hours a week as one of the qualifications. Unfortunately, days that Sub Teachers are unable to work (such as Holidays, Sick Days, Snow Days, Etc) are counted as zeroes against their average and drags that number below the “30 Hours a Week” threshold. 

    • There is an exception.  If that Sub also works at another job that qualifies for Public Service Loan Forgiveness at the same time, and both that job and the time spent as a Sub Teacher combine for 30 hours or more a week, that person would qualify.

  6. Do I qualify to apply using BPS if I no longer work there?

    • Yes, but your time with us will need to meet the qualifications listed above in #4.

  7. What do I need to fill out and send you for a PSLF?

    • Nothing.  If you qualify, simply e-mail us a request asking for a PSLF Employment Verification to Loanforgiveness. Additionally, we do not fill out or sign off on paperwork that has been pre-prepped by an applicant or a company working on behalf of the applicant.  We build everything from the ground up and only need a request directly from the applicant.

  8. Who sends in your PSLF Application?

    • The applicant is solely responsible for sending in their PSLF Application for government processing.  BPS only processes the Employment Verification portion of the application and returns it to the applicant who must then send it in from there.  BPS will not send it in on someone’s behalf as that would require BPS having that applicant’s User Name and Password to their Federal Student Aid account to upload their information (which we will never ask for or accept from you for security purposes).