Office of Sexual Education Supports
The Office of Sexual Health Education provides support and resources for our pregnant and caregiving teens. In addition the office provides resources through the Condom Availability Program (CAP), HOPE Buffalo Resource guides, and sexually transmitted infection testing through a partnership with Erie County Dept of Health.
Condom Availability Program (CAP)
High School Condom Availability Program (CAP)
Parent Opt Out Option
Condom Availability Program (CAP)
This program was created in response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. New York has the highest rate of HIV infection in the country. We know that half of new HIV infections occur in young people below the age of 25. In addition, almost 40% of Buffalo Public School District High School students report being sexually active.
CAP was developed to assure students have the skill, knowledge and resources they need to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and unplanned pregnancies.
CAP provides students with:
Information on such topics as abstinence, HIV/STD prevention, and information on how to remain healthy
Free condoms, as along as the student has not been opted-out by a parent
List of places to get health care, pamphlets and other information on a variety of health related topics.
Parent Opt-Out Letter
For More Information:
Download the CAP Program Brochure.
Download the NYSCAP BPS Forum PPT: Comprehensive Sexuality Education
Download NYS CSE Brochure
Parent Opt-Out Option
As a parent or guardian, you may ask that the school nurse not give your child condoms. This is called parent opt-out. The parent opt-out is not applicable if your child
is 18 years of age or older;
has been or is currently married; or
is entitled under law to give consent for himself/herself.
For more information, download the Parent Opt Out Letter. The letter is available in 6 languages (see right).
HOPE BUFFALO The Pledge for a Healthy Teen
HOPE Buffalo is the communitywide pledge for teen health—a youth and community-led collaborative of diverse stakeholders, teens and adults, working together to promote equitable access to high-quality and comprehensive sexuality education and reproductive health services.
We believe that teens have the right to grow into the adults they want to be—whatever that means for them. We respect their right to make their own decisions and set their own goals about their health and future. And we will support them with an open door, an open ear, an open mind, and an open heart.
Teen's Rights
Teens in New York State have the right to get private medical care for reproductive health without permission from their parent or anyone else.
Please download and use this guide to help you find services that fit your needs.
For more information please visit Hope Buffalo