Project ACT

Project A.C.T. (Assisting Care-giving Teens), is an outreach program that provides services to pregnant and/or parenting teens (mothers and fathers, including their caregivers) attending Buffalo Public Schools. 

Students are referred by BPS Staff, Community Organizations, or Self-referral.

Project A.C.T. coordinates support services by forming links between families, community agencies, and schools. Additionally, Project A.C.T. provides resource services and information that supports both the student's and the child's physical, social, and emotional development.

Every Bottom Covered Partnership

Every Bottom Covered Partnership with Buffalo Public Schools FAQs

Q. How may I receive free diapers/wipes?

A. Anyone with diaper-size children in the home may receive one free pack of diapers (one 20 count pack for each diaper-size child)\and one free pack of wipes per month with submission of an application and also proof of attendance to at least one Community School Parent Center offering or activity.

Q. Must I have a coupon to pick up diapers?

A. No, but it is preferred. However, we will review sign-in logs to confirm your attendance to at least one Community School Parent Center offering or activity.

Q. When may I pick up my diapers?

A. Once your application has been successfully submitted, you will receive an email notification. A member from our team will contact you via telephone to confirm pick up arrangements and size(s). If you received the diaper coupon/ certificate but DID NOT complete an application, please call the Bennett Parent Center at (716)816-4011.

Q. I haven’t attended an offering or activity but I am in need of diapers. What can I do?

A. We understand that emergencies occur and want to be sure that we assist our families. Eligible families who are in need but have NOT attended a Community School Parent Center offering or activity will be provided a one month supply. The parent or caregiver will then be required to attend an offering or activity either prior to pick-up or else before the next disbursement.

Q. From where may I obtain diapers?

A. Diapers may be picked up at the Bennett Community Campus Parent Center located at 2885 Main Street, Buffalo, 14214. Please call the Bennett Parent Center at (716)816-4011 to confirm pick-up times.

Q. Can my caseworker or Say Yes Family Support Specialist pick up my diapers?

A. Yes, as long as this arrangement is communicated to the Parent Center Engagement Liaison prior to pick up. Be sure to provide your coupon to your designee if one was made available.

Q. Is an application required for each diaper/wipe request?

A. No, the application is good for one year to date. For example, if you complete the application on March 1, 2018 you will not need to complete another application until March 1, 2019.

Q. What if the size I am requesting is not available?

A. A Parent Center team member will contact you with a pick up date for your diapers once the size becomes available.


Every Bottom Covered Application