BPS Partnership Schools

BPS Partnership Schools Overview
During the 23-24 school year, the Office of Strategic Alignment & Innovation (OSAI) is launching it's new Partnership School Initiative.
OSAI will be providing Community School Project (CSP) funding to 36 BPS elementary and high schools. The work of the "Partnership Schools" will align with the national pillars of Community Schools, however, the priority of the initiative is to increase, enhance, and uplift parent and community engagement. This partnership will directly support the dual capacity framework of the Department of Family and Community Engagement.
BPS Partnership Schools Vision
OSAI’s Partnership Schools will attract families using a “whole child” model to increase parent and community engagement.
BPS Partnership Schools Mission
Build bridges between families and communities, increasing parent engagement and community partnerships to enhance and uplift BPS students and families.
Partnership School Locations
Stay tuned for more information about this exciting initiative!