BPS 1:1 Device Technology Program
One to One Technology (1:1 Technology)
The Buffalo Public School District currently provides all students in grades K-12 with their own individual iPad or laptop, assigned to them to use throughout the school day. Students take devices home each night to charge and for homework, then bring devices back the next school day.
Goals and Objectives
The Buffalo Public School's 1:1 Technology Program will integrate technology in the classroom to:
Promote student engagement and enthusiasm for learning.
Increase resources for learning.
Expand self-paced student learning opportunities.
Provide students with access to information and the opportunity to connect it to curriculum in a meaningful manner.
Engage students in authentic real-world learning.
Encourage communication, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.
Nurture a sense of responsibility and 21st century digital citizenship.
Take-Home Program
BPS uses a 1:1 device instructional model where 98% of students have a take-home device totaling 30,700 devices. Devices are returned in June at the close of the school year. If students do not have internet access at home, they are provided with a Wi-Fi hotspot that is returned at the end of the school year. This requires students to return signed copies of the contract and Acceptable Use Policy found in the school's 1:1 Technology Handbook. As always, if you have questions or would like more information, please contact the IT Department or your child's school.