Transportation Department

Transportation Hotline: 716-816-4895 | Transportation Department Fax: 716-878-9744
BPS Department of Transportation Email Addresses:
•All general correspondence, any correspondence that does not fit well into one of the email categories below, and any “special” request should be sent to this email (our department’s main email.)
•Examples: new student applications, student change applications, 2nd address applications, SPED applications, bus stop change requests, bus change requests, driver complaints, harness measurements, nurse scripts, drop off permission slips, and opt out requests.
•Any NFTA Metro transportation related correspondence should be sent to this address.
•Examples: metro bus applications, metro route change requests, lost metro pass applications, and special single use pass/day pass/Saturday pass requests.
•Any Extended Learning Time (ELT) aka “late bus” program requests should be sent to this email.
•Any Extended School Year (ESY) aka “summer school” program requests should be sent to this email.
•Examples: ELT & ESY requests/changes and student rosters, sports, afterschool activities, 2nd address applications for “SUMMER ONLY,” and K-8 late program/summer school additions/deletions.
•Any requested yellow bus footage, please include as much detail as possible with your request (day, time, bus number, school, students involved with ID numbers, clothing (if known), and the incident events.)
•Examples: fights, misconduct, injuries, parent interactions, and other serious violations.
•Any correspondence that is related to bus attendants.
•Examples: BPS aides, First Student aides, team leaders, and general attendant questions.
•Any McKinney Vento Program related emails should be sent to this address.
•Examples: MV applications, questions, custody papers, and court decisions.
• A purchase order is required to order a field trip bus.
• The instructions and application are posted on the Transportation page of the BPS website.
• All completed applications along with the purchase order are to be sent to us via this email account. No faxed applications will be accepted.
• Please put your school number and date of the trip in the subject line to ensure timely facilitation of your request. When everything is correctly sent to this email address – you will receive an email confirmation for your upcoming trip.
Important Information
We anticipate a critical shortage of bus drivers. This will impact bus schedules and may cause delays or disruptions in service.
Bus routes and bus stops have been consolidated due to the driver shortage. Stop change requests will not be granted unless a student moves or changes schools.
Parents are encouraged to download our bus tracking app, FirstView, to receive information about possible bus delays.
Bus drivers are authorized to assign seats.
Access Second Address Request forms and general transportation information.
Procedures for Emergency School Closing due to Severe Weather Events or Emergency Conditions