New Employee Insurance and Benefit Package

Union Affiliation: BEST

Discover the Benefits




New Hire Enrollment Forms

  1. Health Insurance Enrollment Packet - Before completing this enrollment form - please be aware that per BEST contractual bargaining agreement -

    Buffalo Educational Support Team Contract- Article VIII-A states:

    “Any unit member hired after July 1, 1985 who has comparable health insurance coverage or is entitled to health insurance coverage from any other source (this may include but is not limited to the following examples: spouse, former spouse, another employer or agency) shall not be eligible for coverage as provided in this Article of the agreement. The District reserves the right to question, investigate, and require documentation to verify a unit member’s eligibility for health insurance coverage.”

    If applicable, documentation from a spouse's employer or a second employer stating if you are eligible for health insurance is required. The forms below can be given to the employer to verify.

  2. Group Life Insurance Enrollment Form - Required Form - beneficiaries MUST be listed on this form

  3. Employee Acknowledgement Form - Required Form

Optional Benefits

  1. Flexible Spending Account for Health or Dependent Care

  2. Commuter Benefit Plan Enrollment

  3. 403(b) Tax Shelter Annuity or 457 NYS Deferred Compensation Account Enrollment Form

Health Insurance

Highmark logo

Plan B 204/204 Plus Point of Service (POS) Insurance

A point-of-service plan requires the policyholder to choose an in-network primary care doctor and you may have to obtain referrals from that doctor if you or an eligible dependent require specialist's services. The plan still provides coverage for out-of-network services, but you will be required to meet a deductible and pay coinsurance for those services.  To review the services and equipment associated with this plan, view the complete Plan B Medical Document and the complete Plan B Prescription Document. To access the summary for the health insurance plan, please click here: Summary Of Benefits

You may choose to have single or family coverage. View the eligibility guidelines to determine who can be considered a dependent for family coverage.  

BEST members are eligible for coverage of health insurance effective on the first day of the month following the completion and submission of their health insurance enrollment forms.

To find out if a doctor is in the BCBS of WNY network, visit the WNY Network website.

2023 - 24 Health Contributions
Employees shall contribute to a 12-month health insurance subscription, over the course of ten (10) months, through pre-tax payroll deductions, based on your choice of family or single coverage.  Employees hired after July 1st shall contribute an annual amount pro-rated based on their date of enrollment in insurance.  

Plan B 204/204 Plus Point of Service (POS) Insurance

A point-of-service plan requires the policyholder to choose an in-network primary care doctor and you may have to obtain referrals from that doctor if you or an eligible dependent require specialist's services. The plan still provides coverage for out-of-network services, but you will be required to meet a deductible and pay coinsurance for those services.  To review the services and equipment associated with this plan, view the complete Plan B Medical Document and the complete Plan B Prescription Document. To access the summary for the health insurance plan, please click here: Summary Of Benefits

You may choose to have single or family coverage. View the eligibility guidelines to determine who can be considered a dependent for family coverage.  

BEST members are eligible for coverage of health insurance effective on the first day of the month following the completion and submission of their health insurance enrollment forms.

To find out if a doctor is in the BCBS of WNY network, visit the WNY Network website.

2024 - 25 Health Contributions
Employees shall contribute to a 12-month health insurance subscription, over the course of ten (10) months, through pre-tax payroll deductions, based on your choice of family or single coverage.  Employees hired after July 1st shall contribute an annual amount pro-rated based on their date of enrollment in insurance.  

Plan B- Point of Service


Annual Limit

Bi-weekly Contribution







Buffalo Educational Support Team Contract- Article VIII-A states

“Any unit member hired after July 1, 1985 who has comparable health insurance coverage or is entitled to health insurance coverage from any other source (this may include but is not limited to the following examples: spouse, former spouse, another employer or agency) shall not be eligible for coverage as provided in this Article of the agreement. The District reserves the right to question, investigate, and require documentation to verify a unit member’s eligibility for health insurance coverage.”

If applicable, documentation from a spouse's employer or a second employer stating if you are eligible for health insurance is required. The forms below can be given to the employer to verify.

Form to Verify Spouse's Insurance Eligibility

Form to Verify Second Employer Insurance Eligibility

Dental & Vision Benefits

A tooth cartoon wearing glasses

These supplemental benefits are provided by your union. Please Contact BEST union office via email or 716-332-2378 to determine your eligibility and receive enrollment forms.  

Group Life Insurance 

Hands protecting a family

Life Insurance is provided at no cost to you.  You are required to have a form on file to identify your beneficiaries. It is also advisable to update this form periodically as you experience life-changing events.  Life insurance is only provided for the employee and ceases upon separation from the District.

Employee Notifications

Employee Notifications

Learn more about your rights to health insurance and benefits, including detailed information on Employee's Responsibility for Health Insurance, Open Enrollment, Summary of Benefits and Coverage, COBRA, HIPAA, the District's Grandfathered Status of the ACA, the Women's Health and Cancer Rights Act, Newborns' and Mothers' Health Protection Act, and Exchange Notice.  Retain this Employee Notification for your records.

Optional Benefits Offered

Flexible Spending Account (FSA) & Dependent Care

For more information and the enrollment forms on both Medical and Dependent Spending Accounts, please click below

Commuter Benefit

For more information and the enrollment form on the Commuter Benefit Plan, please click below.

Tax Sheltered Annuities

For more information on Tax-Shelter Annuity Accounts and how to enroll, please click below

Employee Assistance Program

The District provides an EAP service that provides free & confidential services to our employees and their family members who may be experiencing personal &/or work-related issues. 

For more information regarding our EAP, please click below

Employee Wellness

In June 2017, the Buffalo Board of Education approved the District Wellness Policy.  The District recognizes that in order to achieve student wellness, well-being and academic success employee wellness must also be stressed, emphasizing the importance of creating a District-wide workplace culture that supports employee health and wellness.