Welcome to Crisis Prevention and Response


988 offers 24/7 access to trained crisis counselors who can help people experiencing mental health-related distress. That could be:

  • Thoughts of suicide

  • Mental health or substance use crisis, or

  • Any other kind of emotional distress

People Can Call or Text 988 or Chat 988lifeline.org for Themselves or If They Are Worried About a Loved One Who May Need Crisis Support.

988 Serves As a Universal Entry Point so That No Matter Where You Live in the United States, You Can Reach a Trained Crisis Counselor Who Can Help.

As of June 2019, the Buffalo Public School District is proud to offer a newly-enhanced model of the Crisis Prevention and Response Team. The enhanced model reflects the adaptations and changes necessary to better meet the standards outlined in the Superintendent's Education Bargain, specifically in terms of providing the highest quality services to our neediest children and families.

Moving to the Next Level One Vision One Mission

Who are our neediest children?

  • Students who present behavioral issues that may result in suspension

  • Students with Attendance issues (At-Risk, Chronic, Severe)

  • Students who are pregnant and/or parenting

  • Students experiencing homelessness

  • Students with Disabilities (SWD) whose disability  significantly impedes their success in school

  • Students who have been traumatized (i.e. victims of bullying, violence, domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, war, refugee camps, etc.)

  • ELL students (New Americans) displaying adjustment issues

  • Students experiencing mental illness

  • Students with medical, cognitive and/or behavior issues that may hinder academic success (Medically ill, 504 students, lead paint poisoning, etc. )

  • Disconnected students with engagement issues (in school but not engaged academically)

  • Students experiencing the combined consequences of abject poverty (homelessness, foster care, public assistance, over-aged and under-credited for their grade level, and/or combinations from list above)

The enhanced model has a strengthened comprehensive response to students and adults in crisis or students at-risk for entering crisis. This has been accomplished by developing a framework that incorporates specific core components that achieve desired outcomes. These core components are outlined as follows:

- Strengthened crisis response provided by well-trained student support staff, which is inclusive of preventive services.

- Education and awareness component for students, staff, parents, and community-based organizations.

- Connections to community-based supports that are positioned to provide extended services outside of the school environment.


Given the enhanced model, it is our hope that there will be greater opportunity for relationship-building, collaboration, and the sharing of resources in the form of professional development. Please visit our Training, Forms, and Resources pages for more information.