Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Doors open at 9:10am. Students may be dropped off on West Delavan at the green doors if they are a drop-off/walkers. Please do not double-park. Also, please do not drive into the parking lot, as that is used for buses only.
Dismissal for walkers and/or pick-ups begins at 3:45pm on West Delavan at the green doors. Please do not double-park. Also, please do not drive into the parking lot, as that is used for buses only.
Other Important Information:
If your child is going to be picked up, please send in note. If you are calling the office to notify us of a pickup, please call before 2pm.
After 3:10pm, all students must be picked up at the pick up (green) doors on West Delavan at the regular dismissal time.
We appreciate you assisting in ensuring a safe and smooth arrival and dismissal process!