Principal's Page


The Occupational Training Center is part of the Buffalo Public School District.  Our motto, “Training for Tomorrow,” reflects our mission to assist young adults ages 18 – 21 to acquire social independence, job readiness, and community training.  There is a staff of highly trained Special Education teachers and support staff that help students to develop and implement their transition plan.  There are regular reviews for progress monitoring and IEP development.   


OTC students engage in a variety of instructional experiences that include a standard-based academic curriculum, work-based learning experiences, and community training.  The goal is to prepare a student to be as independent as possible so they can participate in integrated employment, travel independently in the community, and have a network of community-based support.  Each student has their own individualized plan and journey at OTC. 


As of September 2020, the Occupational Training Center has been located at the Buffalo Culinary School site.  This is allowing students to be a part of a school environment and to have access to culinary and hospitality programs.  Students have individual work-based learning plans as they prepare for an integrated work environment.


Please email me if you would like additional information about the program.