Homework Policy at NPCS

Homework Overview

Homework is an important part of education. Teachers, students, and parents/guardians have the responsibility to work together to maximize the benefits of homework. Homework assists in building responsibility, communicating to parents what students are learning in school, and providing a way for students to practice skills they have already learned.  

Homework Expectations

Homework helps build confidence, responsibility, and problem-solving skills that can set students up for success in high school, college, and in the workplace. Students at NPCS, will have homework depending on their grade level and classroom activities occurring that week. Parents and caregivers should check their child’s take home folder (PK-5) and agendas (3rd – 5th grade) each night to help manage them being aware of what their homework is. 

PK-1st grade: 0-20 minutes each night

2nd – 4th grade: 20-30 minutes each night

5th – 8th grade: 30-60 minutes each night

Student Responsibilities

Students are responsible for bringing their take-home folder and agenda (grade 3 and up) home each night. Teachers will provide more assistance to students in the younger years (PK-2) with remembering their homework and writing down any assignments. Students are expected to write down their homework and return assignments on or before the due date. 

Strategies For Making Up Missed Work 

  • Ask the teacher what was missed

  • Check the space that homework is communicated to students

  • Call a "homework buddy"

  • When you know your child will be absent, contact the teacher

Parent Responsibilities

Check your child's take-home folder and agenda each night. All students benefit from an adult at home talking to them about their homework and assignments. Encourage students to take their time and ensure it is fully completed prior to putting it in their take-home folder to return to school. Asking questions and seeking information from the teacher can be done via email, Class Dojo message, or calling the school.