Student Forms
Every student (new and returning) must have a form completed and on file PRIOR to the start of the school year. These forms assist our school in knowing who is permitted to pick up your child(ren) from school, extra emergency contacts, and what their permitted media releases are. Please take a moment to complete the form using the link below. If you have more than one child enrolled at NPCS, each child will need a form completed. We thank you for completing these forms promptly.
Parent Information Sharing
At NPCS, our community values having the ability to communicate with fellow families. We have worked with our parent groups to create a form that allows for parents to share information they prefer with fellow parents. Homeroom Parents, and our PTO. Please complete a form below for EACH child that attends NPCS if you are interested in sharing your contact information with any of the parties listed below. Forms are sorted by grade level.
It is important to note that many families utilize the classroom directory so they are able to send and receive invitations for their child for parties, playground meet-ups, and other classroom events. (Invitations are not permitted to be distributed at school unless the entire class is invited.)
1. Homeroom Parents - this will be the Representative and Alternate parent who will have your contact information (it will not be shared with others in the class, unless you select the directory option). Your contact information will be used when the HR Parent Representative is communicating reminders.
2. PTO - the PTO shares updates about fundraisers, meetings, volunteers, and expenses via email. This will help you stay informed.
3. Classroom directory - ONLY families who select to have their information shared will receive a classroom directory. The directory will allow families to connect with each other outside of school.
Use the link below for your child's correct grade level. EACH child will need a form completed. Please be sure to complete EVERY box you would like shared with complete contact information. (i.e. do not write "same" in boxes)
Pre-Kindergarten Contact Information Sharing Form
Kindergarten Contact Information Sharing Form
Grade 1 Contact Information Sharing Form
Grade 2 Contact Information Sharing Form
Grade 3 Contact Information Sharing Form
Grade 4 Contact Information Sharing Form
NPCS Homeroom Parents
2024-2025 Homeroom Parent Sign-Up Form
During the 2024-2025 school year, there will be a schoolwide implementation of the Homeroom Parent Representative Program. Our primary goal for this year is EVERY class has a commitment from one parent to voluntarily serve as a homeroom parent representative and one to serve as an alternate. The role of the representative is to communicate information about school/district activities and events with all other parents within their homerooms. The alternate will serve when the representative is unavailable. Information sharing may be conducted via phone calls, text messages, social media, email, flyers, etc. A couple examples of what the Homeroom Parents assist with are creating a private parent FB group (this is used to share reminders about upcoming due dates or events), organized play dates, organized teacher celebrations, and much more.