Book Vending Machine

A Book Vending Machine was added to the library at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction, #61 to encourage students to read and get them excited about reading. The books are labeled by reading level to ensure children are selecting appropriate books for their age level. The overall goal is to encourage reading in and out of school.  

The books used in the vending machine have been donated by School 61’s after-school partner, the CAO, The Teacher's Desk, and purchased from and donated by Scholastic Books. The books are available to ALL students in grades PK to 4. There is NO cost for the books for students. They will receive tokens through a rewards system, which will consist of a rotating cycle of classroom visits to the vending machine each month. All children will have the opportunity to receive a new book for their own home library. As a bonus, students who are members of the monthly Principal's Reading Club; demonstrate the character trait of the month; complete a set number of hours of MyOn or Prodigy; and students who master beginning sounds in Pre-K, will receive a token for the Book Vending Machine.  

students holding books and standing next to clifford

Arthur O. Eve School Receives a New Book Vending Machine!

In September, 2023, Arthur O. Eve was given a new Book Vending Machine, personalized with our school's crest, donated by Global Vending Group. We were the first school to have a book vending machine and the company wanted to recognize our school for starting the initiative. The school held a ribbon cutting ceremony. Please see the slideshow and news story showcasing the event: WKBW's story!

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Dr. Williams and stucent atribbon cutting ceremony

With Book Vending Machines Growing in Popularity, 61's was the First!

2023: See our own Mr. Barnes interviewed on 61's role as the first school to start a book vending machine program locally! 

Download a copy of the Principal's Monthly Reading Challenge

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