Calming Room

Thanks to a generous donation from Bocce Pizza, (located at 4174 Bailey Ave.), School 61 opened their new Calming Room with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on January 18, 2019. The Art Teacher; Ms. Diavastes, Arts Coordinator; Mrs. Luraschi, and Physical Education Teacher; Mrs. Danvir painted a beautiful butterfly mural on the wall and Fourth Grade Teacher; Mr. Robson added color to the room with a fresh coat of soothing light blue paint.

The Calming Room is a quiet area for all students who may need to take a short break from the classroom due to an elevated or depressed state in behavior. After a short break, the student will return to their classroom, calmed and focused so he/she can be prepared for learning and interacting with others.

Slider is playing
room with 3 butterflies on wall, teddy bear, bean bags, and sleeping bag