Notable News at 61

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Images of the Mayor with students

Reading certainly does RULE!!! We had a blast at “The Home of the Arts & Gifted and Talented” on April 24th hosting Mayor Brown’s annual Summer Reading Rules kick off!!

Thank you to Mayor Brown and his wonderful team for selecting our school for the 2024 kick off. There were close to twenty sponsors on campus, and the event was great. We love our mayor!

Image of a note from Mr. Zimmer to AOE

Thank you to Mr. Jeff Zimmer, owner of Reeds Jewelers for visiting our campus and giving a very generous donation of $5,000.00 to our Parent Teacher Organization.

We appreciate your kind words about our programming, campus, students, and staff!! We are blessed to have great people partner with our programming here at “The Home of the Arts and Gifted and Talented!”

Back-to-School Video....

4th grade students in the gifted and talented program at aoe #61 will feed into Olmsted #156 beginning in the 2022-2023 school year!

A.O.E. teachers Summer 2023 Arts Integration Professional Development at Albrignt Knox Art Gallery.. #HomeoftheArts

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Did you know?

Did you know?

the buffalo public schools are on the rise with new community schools and programs of study! it's never too early to plan your future! visit for a list of open house and testing admissions dates throughout October!

4th grade teacher, Nicholas Robson’s classroom and students are featured on 3 billboards across the city of Buffalo. Located at: 1221 Clinton St, 1740 Broadway St, and 1592 Elmwood Ave, the billboards promote new Community Schools and programs of study in the district. Mr. Robson has been a teacher at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction for 12 years. School 61 has an Exploratory Arts and Gifted and Talented Program!