Pre-K Teachers

Meet Mrs. McGarvey About Me: My name is Mrs. McGarvey and I have been a Pre-K teacher for eight years. I have two kids. I love spending time with my family when I am not in the classroom. I love coffee, teaching and traveling. Education: I have my Masters in Elementary Ed and Special Ed. Favorites: Color- Blue, Food- Tacos, Drink- Iced Coffee, Hobby- Hiking. Contact: I love to hear from the families throughout the year. Please contact me with any questions or concerns that you may have. Please contact me through DOJO.

Meet the Teacher: Mrs. Roberts. A little about me: I have been teaching Pre-K at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction for seven years. I grew up in Buffalo and attended Buffalo Public School #93. My 4th Grade Teacher was my inspiration into becoming a teacher. I never regretted my decision! I love being a teacher! Besides being a teacher, I am a wife and mother of two beautiful daughters! A few of my favorite things are: the beach, camping, coffee, tacos, family. You can contact me at vrroberts, at 716-816-3400 or on class dojo (preferred.)

Meet the Teacher: Ms. Fisher
I was born and raised in Buffalo, and attended Buffalo Public Schools from K-12. I have been teaching Pre-K since 2010, here at AOE for the last seven years and this is my forever home! Contact: jfisher 716-816-3400
Kindergarten Teachers

Hello, my name is Mrs. Gentzler. I teach kindergarten here at School 61. It is the best place to be. I love teaching kindergarten because I love to see the look on my students' faces when they learn new things daily. There is so much growth throughout the year. It is incredible.
I have a family of nine. Me and my husband, my son and daughter, as well as four children and five grandchildren who live in SC! I also have two dogs and two cats. This alone keeps me very busy!! I love to travel, hike or just be outdoors, and spend time with my family. I am excited to work with you!
You can reach me via phone at 716-816-3400 or email pgentzler

Hi! My name is Mrs. Vangelista, and I am in my third year of teaching kindergarten. I have been teaching at Arthur o. Eve #61 for six years. I love teaching and working with children. Watching children learn and grow through reading and creativity is such a joy. You can reach me via phone at 716-816-3400 or on Class Dojo (preferred.)

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction #61! My name is Mrs. Miller (Special Education Teacher). I will have the pleasure of teaching your child this upcoming school year. I have been working at this school for the past 17 years in various types of classrooms and grades. It is my belief that a child's success is based on a cooperative parent/teacher relationship. I look forward to working with you throughout the year.
We also, will have the pleasure of working with Miss. McGruder (Teacher Aide). Miss. McGruder has experience working with young children. We are excited to be working together to meet all the needs of your children.
I hope you and your child enjoyed the summer and that you are ready to embark on an important time in your child's life. As your child starts in kindergarten, one of the biggest changes that you will see in the day is that there are no more naps. This can be a huge adjustment for students, especially those that are coming from a Pre-K program that have a built-in nap time. As the year goes on, they will adjust. Please make sure they are getting a good night’s rest to help transition them. Below, you will find classroom expectations:
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
1. Students are to come into school every day ready to learn.
2. When in the hallway, students are walking quietly in a straight line.
3. Eyes are watching.
4. Ears are listening.
5. Voices are quiet.
6. Bodies are calm.
-This will be our main form of communication. This is where I will post updates about what is going on in the classroom. I check DOJO throughout the day and will respond in a timely manner. I do try to take pictures throughout the day as well.
-Every night your child will bring home a take home folder. There are two sides to the folder.
-KEEP AT HOME-this will be work that is completed and needs to stay at home. You can keep these things.
-RETURN TO SCHOOL- this will consist of things that either myself or the school needs returned to us.
Please make sure that this folder is checked every single night and cleaned out. We appreciate your help with this.
-All grades will be unweighted. We will be using a holistic approach when grading this year. That means we will be looking at the assignment as a whole. This allows me to balance the various elements of an assignment once I receive my students’ work and notice any aspects that my students have struggled with.
Homework Policy
-Students will start having homework sent home with them nightly starting in the middle of the month. The homework that we send home will be review on what we have learned that day. Homework needs to be sent back to school completed daily. There will be NO homework on Friday’s. Please try and read with your child for 20 minutes every single night. This will really help them to become more confident readers.
-Students will be bringing their iPad to and from school daily. Students need to come to school with a fully charged iPad. Students NEED their iPad every day. They will be using them throughout the day for both CORE 5, Lexi, and Mobby Max.
We are so excited for this school year. We are going to have so much fun! We can’t wait to see all the amazing things that your child will accomplish!
Please don’t hesitate to contact me by text at 716-574-0944, Class Dojo, or by email at lmmiller with any questions or concerns that you may have. I will get back to you in a timely manner.
Mrs. Miller
Miss. McGruder

Hello! My name is Dana Simson. I've worked as a BPS kindergarten teacher for the past 8 years and am looking forward to my first year at Arthur O. Eve! Kindergarten is such an exciting year designed to promote and enhance growth and development. Students will participate in a variety of hands-on and interactive experiences that incorporate all academic areas. These skills will become the building blocks for your child’s future success in both school and life! You can reach me via phone at 716-816-3400 or on Class Dojo (preferred.)
First Grade Teachers

All About Me:
*Year 19 teaching special education.
*A.O.E has been my home for 18 years
*My husband is also a teacher and all 3 of my kids are currently in college to become teachers.
* Homework is completed on time
*Daily Reading is required
*Classroom 3 (basement)
*BDF: Sneakers for P.E.
*Extra clothes for locker
*Grading will be on participation, classwork, and homework completion.

My name is Lisa Balzer and I teach First Grade at AOE. I have many years of experience teaching first grade. My mission is to instill a love for learning in all my students. I believe all children can learn and should be given the opportunity to develop in ways that recognize their individuality.
Contact Me:
Mrs. Lisa Balzer
716-816-3400 lmbalzer
Grade 1 Room 204

Hello, my name is Jennifer Pritchard. I am a first-grade teacher at AOE. I teach ELA to both my homeroom and Mrs. Balzer’s homeroom. This is my fifteenth year with Buffalo Public Schools. I love teaching! When I am not teaching, I love spending time with my family!
Contact me at jpritchard, or on ClassDoJo.

My name is Ms. McLaughlin and I teach first grade at AOE. This is my fifth year teaching in Buffalo Public Schools and my first year here at AOE. First grade is a critical year for children because this is the year they develop many foundational skills for future learning. My goal as a teacher is to support my students and help them cultivate a love for learning. I want my students to explore, follow, and achieve their dreams to the fullest!
Contact Me:
Ms. Liz McLaughlin
Grade 1 Room 202
*ClassDojo is the best form of communication
Second Grade Teachers

Mrs. Kwiatek. School 61: 716-816-3400 Email: Ckwiatek@buffaloschools .org *Classroom 8 (basement) *Daily Schedule in folder *BDF: Sneakers for P.E. *Extra clothes for locker *Grading will be on participation, classwork, and homework completion. *Year 17 teaching, 13 in special education *A.O.E has been my home for 13 years * Went to Buffalo Public School 81 * Lover of all things Buffalo Bills *Likes to spend time outside * Mother of 3 kids ● Daily communication through take home folder, needs to be signed!!!! ● Homework is completed on time ● Daily Reading is required ● Expectations are high and rigorous!

My name is Kitrina Graves and I have been teaching my whole career here at Arthur O. Eve #61. This will be my 18th year teaching. I have previously taught fourth and third grades, along with second grade. This has given me great insight in knowing what your student will need to succeed in the future. I only teach ELA and Science.
My preferred type of communication is Class Dojo. Please message me. I check it multiple times during the day. I will also be sharing on Class Story the nightly homework. I do not check messages on Dojo after 3:10 pm. If you are not on Dojo, you can email me at kgraves or call to leave a message for me in the office.
A fun fact about me is that I am a HUGE animal lover. One day I hope to open an animal sanctuary to be surrounded by animals!

My name is Laci Zywar, I am the math and social studies second grade teacher here at School 61 Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction. I am so excited to be part of this school.This is my first year at this school, and my fourth year in the Buffalo Public School District. This is my eighth-year teaching overall. I am so excited to get to know your children and help them grow.
You can contact me by calling the school at (8716)816-3400, Dojo, or email at lzywar.k.
Third Grade Teachers

Hello! My name is Mrs. Barrett. I teach third grade ELA and social studies.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me through:
Email: kfitzgerald
Class DOJO (***Preferred method)

Hello! My name is Ms. Bryant and I am so excited to share this 24 – 25 school year with your child. Our classroom theme is “Camping”
3rd grade will be full of new learning
curriculum. Although somethings will be challenging,
I know they will all persevere & make it
My goal is to turn I cant’s into I CANS and I DIDs.
MATH CONCEPTS:•Review adding and subtracting
•Multiplying and dividing
•Single/ multi step word problems
Area/ perimeter
•Shapes/ geometry
•Time/ measurement
Ms. Bryant- RM 207
3rd grade
Math and Science teacher
Arthur O Eve #61
ABOUT ME:•I have a 6 year old son who is going into 2nd grade.
•I have 3 dogs, and a lizard
•I love traveling, camping, shopping, and family
•My favorite season is fall
•I love to play kickball
•I do private, drop off
•catering for
big/small events
(message for details)
Classdojo is the fastest and most reliable way to reach me.
Feel free to message when eve. I will respond asap.
Assigned on Fridays, due the following week Friday

Fourth Grade Teachers

Hello! I am Mrs. Fischer and I teach 4th grade. I have been teaching for 19 years, and all of those years have been at #61!
My husband teaches future nurses at a local college and I have a 12 year old daughter who loves to read, just like me!
Homework is assigned Tuesday-Thursday
Daily reading is a must!
Classroom 212 (2nd floor)
Gym class (sneakers) BDF Days
Connect with me on Class DOJO!

I am very excited to work with your children this year and foster a rigorous and nurturing academic environment for them to learn and grow in.
Fourth grade is a very important year for your children. In April, there is the New York State English Language Arts assessment, followed by the New York State Math Assessment. During May and June we will be giving New York State Science Assessment. It is our goal that your child will be prepared for these exams and confident in their abilities.
In preparing for these tests, we ask for your help. Please encourage your child to read to you nightly for at least 30 minutes.Homework is very important also. Students will receive spelling, math, and ELA homework on a regular basis. We will be using a daily planner that will communicate assignments and messages home. Students will have a take home folder that should be checked every night for school handouts as well as assignments. It should be completed to the best ability and turned in on time. Homework is not a punishment, but an aide in your child’s learning.
We will be using Class Dojo as a positive behavior reinforcement system in the classroom and will be sending information regarding it in the beginning of the year.
Our approach to grading is comprised of 3 categories: classwork, tests, and projects. Students will mark in their planners when tests are approaching.
For this year, your child will need these supplies:
2 Composition or spiral notebooks
2 Folders
One package of loose-leaf paper
Crayons or colored pencils
1 boxes of tissue
A healthy snack to share
Ms. Gilmartin
4th Grade ELA and Social Studies
Email: jagilmartin1
Class Dojo is the best form of communication.

I am a 4th grade teacher at The Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction #61. I have taught all of the core subjects and will be focusing on Math, Science, ELA & Math RTI, as well as NYS Test Prep. This year is a very important year for our students as the tackle the New York State Tests as well as plan their school choices for 5th grade. We have a fun, challenging year ahead filled with new curriculum, and academic opportunities. Our main mode of communication will be through Class Dojo. We appreciate your ongoing support throughout the year.
Mr. Robson
Class Dojo is the best form of communication.
Arts Department

Henri Star Muhammad has been teaching Violin in Buffalo Public Schools for 25 years, and begins his 9th year at the Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction 61.
The AOE program has grown from exclusively offering Violin, to now a full string orchestra including Violin, Viola, Cello, and String Bass; making the Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction one of the only early childhood center string programs in Western New York.
As a nationally recognized professional violinist and educator Mr. Muhammad has made his life's work sharing the gift of the Violin and Classical Music.

Hi, I’m Mrs. Vuich and I teach Theater Arts Teacher at School 61.
I have been teaching Theater to BPS Students for 20+ years through Programs such as Musicians United for Superior Education and Young Audiences of WNY.
I graduated from Syracuse University with a BS in Acting. I then continued theater studies in NYC and London.
I have appeared in Regional Theaters such as Florida Studio Theater in Sarasota and Studio Arena in Buffalo. Locally I have appeared in many Theater of Youth productions, Shakespeare in Delaware Park, Buffalo United Artists, Kaleidoscope Theater Brazen Faced Varlots, Lancaster Opera House, and others. The photo above is from when I played Mrs. Olsen at the Theatre of Youth in Little House Christmas.
I have directed productions at Lancaster Opera House, Bennett Park Montessori, Herman Badillo, and Waterfront.
This year at the end of May, we will present the musical, Lion King Kids.
If any of you would like to volunteer to help with Lion King, please contact me at jvuich.
I’m very happy to share my love of theater with your children!
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Jeanne Vuich

My Name is Natasha Perkins and I am the Dance Teacher for AOE. I am also a Professional Dancer, Choreographer and Community Artists. My career has lead me to dance and train in places such as New York City, New Zealand, Australia, Argentina, Chile, Alaska and many more. Currently I perform with two companies in Buffalo, New York.
When I'm not in rehearsals, I work with Buffalo Niagara Film, Sheas Performing Arts, Ujima Theater, Coordinate Festivals and go to school part-time.
I believe "The true purpose of arts education is not necessarily to create more professional dancers or artists. {It's} to create more complete human beings who are critical thinkers, who have curious minds and who can lead productive lives."
About Me:
Greetings! I am currently in my 15th year of teaching music and my 12th year in the city of Buffalo. I earned my BA from Fredonia and my MA from UB. My primary instrument is the guitar! I love being a Music Teacher and believe that the arts play a critical role in ensuring that our students reach their highest potential.
Contact: 716-816-3400
Fun Facts:
I have two children with my wife. I enjoy running and playing guitar in my free time. My favorite food is tacos. My favorite color is red.
Let me first say thank you for all your hard work...I know without YOU we couldn't succeed.
I am excited to welcome back ALL the students to the ART ROOM!!!

My name is Tracy Rose and I am the Arts Coordinator for AOE. I’m the person to contact regarding Arts Integration, field trips, fundraisers and the school musical. I am also the school’s Guardian of Equity.
This is my 23rd year in the Buffalo Public Schools. I’m an art teacher with experience and training in Arts Integration and Culturally Relevant Instruction. I love working at AOE!
Outside of school, I am the volunteer Social Media Manager, and, often, an Artistic Director, for Starry Night Theatre, Inc. My family includes my husband, two daughters and two dogs.
You can reach me at trose.
Literacy Coach/Gifted Talented Teacher

Hello! Reading and writing are 'big deal' skills that are not automatic for anyone. As 61's Literacy Coach, I'm responsible for upholding a vibrant and engaging literacy culture that embraces research-based best practices, supporting all students as they learn to read- how they learn to read. Part of my responsibility is continually analyzing data to inform instruction and intervention across all grade levels- so your child gets the differentiated instruction they need to transition smoothly from 'learning to read' to 'reading to learn', and enjoy it! Please join me in this mission- one way to start is by visiting my Coach page for at-home literacy tips and resources. See you soon!

Mrs. Fischer
Hello! I am so excited to be entering my 15th year teaching, and my third year as a GT teacher at #61. This year I’m looking forward to some exciting projects with our K-4 GT students as well as continuing to teach Type 1 classes to all students at A.O.E.
About me: I live in Buffalo with my husband and our two sons, Oliver and Henry. My boys go to BPS schools (5th and 1st grade) during the day and and we spend most of our evenings on the soccer field. We love all of our Buffalo Sports teams, especially the Buffalo Bills!
What I teach:
Gifted and Talented.
I see all identified GT students 4 times a 6 day cycle. I also get to work with all grade levels once a month. I want to remind GT parents that I have time built into my schedule to work on Type 3 projects with you child. A Type 3 project is a student driven passion project, where the work is split between school and home.
Contact Me!
Mrs. Kristen Fischer
A.O.E. #61
Class Dojo
I like: Singing
The Bills
The Beach
Physical Education

I am excited to start a new school year full of activity and learning with your child(ren)! This will be my 14th year teaching P.E. and my 10th school year at Arthur O. Eve. I am excited to have this opportunity to get to know your child(ren) and help them achieve their best in Physical Education!
Sneaker Policy:
As a reminder, it is very important to make sure your child is wearing sneakers whenever they have Physical Education. As per BPS, students who do not wear sneakers will have to sit out of PE due to safety concerns.
Contact Me:
When does my child have PE with Coach Danvir?
Kdg-Mrs. Vangelista: B,D,F
Kdg-Ms. Simson: A,C,E
Kdg-Mrs. Gentzler: B,D,F
1st-Mrs. Pritchard: A,C,E
2nd-Ms. Graves: A,C,E
2nd-Ms. Zwyer: B,D,F
3rd- Mrs. Barrett: A,C,E
3rd- Mrs. Bryant: B,D,F
4th- Mrs. Gilmartin & Mrs. Fischer: B,D,F
4th-Mr. Robson- A,C,E

Hello everyone, I am Mr. Webster. I am in my 25th year as a Physical Education teacher in the Buffalo Public Schools and my third at School #61. During my teaching career I have had the opportunity to be a lead instructor for the Buffalo Public Schools for the SPARK, Yoga4Classrooms and C.A.T.C.H. curriculums. I look forward to implementing these instruction strategies at Arthur O. Eve.
Contact Me:
Support Teachers
Hello! My name is Ms. Lisa Baldwin and I’m the ENL teacher at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction #61. I’m dedicated to the support and development of our MLL/ELL. I currently hold a professional NYS-certification in TESOL education for students in grades K-12. . I have been working in this role for six years, in Buffalo schools for 11 years and in the early childhood field for 25 years. Although I started my education career focused on early childhood with an undergraduate degree from SUNY at Buffalo, I discovered an additional passion with an emphasis on TESOL.
Most of my time is spent caring for family and friends including my 4 adult children and my 6 grandchildren. Any excess time is spent fellowshipping and volunteering at my church.
Fun Fact! My hidden talent and favorite hobby is event planning and decorating.
Below you will find a link to my google classroom where you can click on various objects and symbols in the slide to access additional links to fun and valuable ENL resources.

Hello Friends, My name is John Grannell. I am a reading specialist at BPS# 61. This school year marks my 19th year working in the Buffalo Public Schools. As a reading specialist, my primary focus is to work with small groups during our Response to Intervention (RTI) block. I also have the opportunity to work with the entire student body, and to work closely with parents and staff to develop strategic lessons that enrich the reading curriculum. I am fortunate to work with a professional and highly skilled staff who are always eager to learn the newest literacy trends to add to their repertoire of teaching strategies.
You can reach me via phone
or email

Karen Miller MS,ccc,SLP
Hello, my name is Mrs. Karen Miller and I am the Speech and Language Pathologist here at Arthur O. Eve school#61. I am here to provide remediation for all types of speech production and language based disorders.
My contact information is: kemiller or you can reach me at 716-816-3400 ext. 1019
SST Staff

Hello! My name is Jillian Miller. I am honored to be the School Counselor here at 61. As a member of the Student Support Team I assist students in navigate their social and emotional needs. I look forward to working with you all. I am here to assist with any questions you might have. I will also be working specifically with the 4th grade families as they apply to schools for next school year for 5th grade! A fun fact about myself is that in my free time I spend it with my two little nieces and my multiple rescue dogs.

I am Richelle Tordoff, School Psychologist at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction #61. I have been in the Buffalo School District for 18 years. I am happy to live and work in the City of Buffalo (Go Bills!). My focus as a School Psychologist is to support the school students and community using Multi tiered System of Support (MTSS) for behavior and academic needs. I am an evaluator and member of the Committee on Special Education (CSE). I strive to find the right services to help students be successful in school and the community. Email rtordoff Phone number 716-816-3400 ext 1505.

I’m Cheryl Carr, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. This is my first year at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction. I’ve worked in the Buffalo Public Schools for many years as a Certified School Social Worker.
I’m a member of the Student Support Team (SST) and the Committee on Special Education (CSE). I support students with their emotional, behavioral, and academic needs. As a School Social Worker, I assist with mental health concerns, behavioral concerns, positive behavioral support, consultation with teachers, parents and administrators. I also provide counseling services to students who have counseling services on their IEP and to other students in need of supportive services.
I can be contacted at (716)816-3400 ext. 1506.