Henri Star Muhammad - Violin

Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction Violin Ensemble

A master violinist and teacher once referred to music as “A Universal Language”.  Music is an internationally recognized cultural art, and those who possess the ability to communicate in this language partake in the added benefits of this expression.  Classical music, and particularly the study of the classical instruments, is noted to increase mathematical and analytical reasoning, improve reading skills, and refine and polish character.  This year at Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction we will be offering instruction on the violin to a select group of students, as well as, the opportunity to perform in concerts and programs at school and throughout the city. 

The Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction will provide all necessary equipment, materials, and instruction to students selected to be in the Violin Ensemble.  Each Violin Major will receive an instrument for classes, lessons, practices, rehearsals, and performances; a lesson book and lesson book CD; and will attend daily violin lessons, classes, practice, and/or rehearsals.  Violin Majors will practice daily during school, therefore musical instruments will not need to go home but will remain in the building for daily use.  Each student will however receive a Lesson Book CD which they will be required to listen to each night as “homework”.   There is no additional cost or out of pocket expense for being in the program; all materials and equipment will be provided.

Along with the many advantages and opportunities available in joining the Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction Violin Ensemble there are also very strict rules and requirements.  These rules and requirements can be condensed to three main areas:

  1. Violin Majors must maintain and properly care for their instrument and class materials. Any Violin Major who is careless with their instrument and/or class materials resulting in damage, loss, or theft, will not only be responsible for repairing and/or replacing that instrument/materials, but may be dismissed from the Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction Violin Ensemble.

2.  Violin Majors must be in attendance for daily lessons, classes, practice, and/or rehearsals. Excessive absences can cause a student to fall behind in lesson material, and not be ready for upcoming performances.  Any Violin Major who is excessively absent may be dismissed from the Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction Violin Ensemble.

  1. Violin Majors will be required to listen daily to the Violin Lesson Book CD at home, and commit to vocal memory the music on the CD. Ear training is an essential part to being a successful musician.  This year Violin Majors will not be required to practice their violins at home daily because we will be practice every day during school.  However, they will have the responsibility to listen to the Violin Lesson Book CD daily and be required to sing the music on the CD.  Any Violin Major who is unable to commit to the daily listening requirement may be dismissed from the Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction Violin Ensemble.

As strict as these rules and requirements are, I believe the discipline and skills gained will be transferable to any endeavor you wish to pursue in life.

 Feel free to contact me with any questions and/or concerns at (716)816-3400, or via email: hmuhammad.

Thank you and I look forward to a great year.


Henri L. Muhammad
