Kristen Attia

I am so excited to begin a brand new school year and hope your family is too.  Pre-K  is such a special time in your child's life and I am honored to be part of it.  My classroom is a happy, challenging, comfortable and safe environment where we all do our personal best.

The structure of daily activities is carefully planned to encourage independence, self confidence and group cooperation through large group, small group and one-on-one participation in a variety of hands on interactive experiences.  The activities will incorporate instruction and skill reinforcement in reading readiness, mathematics, writing, science, social studies, art, fine and gross motor skills, social/emotional skills and language development.

The adjustment to school can be a difficult process for some; but working together, we can make the bridge between home and school easier for your child to cross.  With your cooperation, this can be a very exciting and successful experience for all!  As we embark on this new and exciting journey, I encourage you to join the PTO.  Research shows that parents who are involved in their child's schooling increase the child's motivation for school.  Motivated students are more likely to enjoy learning, participate in class, develop confidence in themselves and achieve!  Please don't hesitate to write me a note, call me or email me.  

The first few days of school can be a bit scary (but exciting!) for children.  To ensure a smooth transition, please remember to keep your child's bus tag attached to his/her backpack.   Your child should wear sneakers everyday.  Red folders come back and forth to school daily.

Please send in school supplies as soon as possible.  A school supply list will be sent home the first day of school.  We also ask that each family send in a snack once a month.  It needs to be enough to feed 18 children.  The children enjoy cookies, crackers, goldfish, fruit snacks, pretzels, etc.

It is very important to check your child's backpack each day when your child arrives home.  Your child is very proud to show you what he/she has done at school and often times, there are notes for you to read or permission slips for you to sign.

I am thrilled to be working with your child this year.  Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation.  I am sure this year will prove to be a special one!