Uniform Policy
We have a mandatory dress code at our Lorraine Elementary.
ALL students must be in dress code. NO exceptions will be made. If you have a dress code concern, please contact the school.
Lorraine Elementary dress code is as follows:
· Beige or tan khaki pants, skirts, skorts, jumpers or shorts
· Navy blue collared tops, i.e. golf shirt/Polo shirt
· During the cooler weather, navy blue sweaters or sweatshirts (no hoods) may be worn. Jackets and/or fleeces may not be worn. Long sleeve shirts or turtlenecks may also be worn under short sleeve polos during the cooler weather.
· No hats, caps, bandanas, do rags or hoodies can be worn during the school day.
· Proper footwear must be worn at all times which includes either dress shoes or sneakers. No open-toed footwear or flip flops are allowed during the school day. Students may not wear slides or Crocs.
· All persons are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for adhering to the Lorraine’s Elementary dress code.
· Students who are not in compliance with the dress code will be required to modify their appearance to meet the dress code by replacing it with an acceptable item. If an acceptable item in not available from the school, a parent/guardian will be responsible for bringing the acceptable item(s) to the school.