Principal's Notice for First Days of School
Dear Parents/ Guardians:
See the procedures below that will help create a successful school day, week, and year at School 81.
Entrance for all student walkers and parent drop offs is at the Main Office Door, the door closest to the North Buffalo Ice Rink. All students must enter through the Evolve Weapons Detection System. Students must remove their laptop, iPad, 3 ring binder and any other metal/cylinder objects like water bottles.
*It is especially important that students do not bring any inappropriate items to school as this will only delay entry into the school building and could certainly lead to consequences.
School doors open at 9:10 a.m. All Walkers/Drop off students will enter through the main office entrance, through the Evolve Weapons Detection System.
Please stress the importance of school attendance when the child is healthy and well for school. The start of 1st period is 9:40 a.m.
Morning announcements are daily from 9:30-9:35 a.m. Students entering after 9:35 a.m. will have to check into the main office.
The first 7 days of school, parents of grades Pre-K, K and 1st grade students may enter through the Evolv Weapons Detection System and escort your child to the classroom. This will only apply for the first week of school. After the first week, only students will enter through the Evolv Weapons Detections System. Please follow the BPS visitor policy of making appointments when you need to meet with school staff or enter the school building.
Please use the available parking spots behind the Ice Rink or down Tennyson if you bring your child to the main office door. It is especially important to cross at all designated crosswalks around the school. Please drive safely at all times around School 81.
Any student that is picked up from school must be signed out by an adult, 18 years and older. For safety reasons, an I.D. may be requested. Please update the student information sheets and return them to the school be sure to list eligible approved adults who can sign out your child.
Removing students from school early is strongly discouraged. This interrupts the teacher and all students in the classroom. Instruction goes on in the classrooms until the respective dismissal bell. Early pick-ups should be reserved for emergencies only. Sending in a change of dismissal note with your child to their Homeroom teacher at the beginning of the day helps to reduce end of day interruptions.
We cannot accommodate a change of dismissal past 3:15 p.m. daily.
Change of dismissal requires notification to our main office via a parent note and/or parent phone call. Phone calls to the main office are to be limited to emergency changes otherwise provide a written note to the homeroom teacher.
Main Office doors close at 3:15 p.m. in preparation for bus dismissal. Please go to your child’s grade level designated door for pick up.
PLEASE NOTE: The school side of Tacoma Street is designated as the loading zone for our Special Education students and small buses during dismissal. Please refrain from parking on Tacoma Street closest to the school. Parking can be found across the street from the school and in the school parking lots.
Pre-K only pickup option– Main Office Door – 3:00 to 3:15 p.m. - This pickup option is NOT for other siblings. If picking up multiple children, the usual doors for K to 3 and 4 to 8 will have to be used after 3:15 p.m.
The Tacoma/ Delaware Door / gym will be the afternoon pick-up area. Parents will provide their name and sign at the door; students will be escorted to the exterior door by School 81 staff. Students will be arranged by grade level.
The Dismissal times start as follows:
Pick up from the Tacoma/ Delaware Door will take place from 3:25 to 3:55 p.m.
Pre-K to Grade 3 – 3:25 to 3:55 p.m. - Tacoma/ Delaware Door
Grades 4 to 8 – 3:35 to 3:55 p.m. – Tacoma/ Tennyson Door
Walkers will exit out the Tacoma/ Tennyson Door-Walkers/ Pick-ups– 3:35 p.m. Walkers at School 81 tend to be grades 5 and above & live in close proximity to the school. All permanent/daily walking students will receive a parent call from a Homeroom teacher confirming permission.
Bus dismissal begins at 3:50 p.m. and ends at 4:15 p.m. daily. It is encouraged to download the First Student App to track your child’s bus home. Buses run late in the first two weeks of school as bus drivers must get used to routes. School 81 main office staff are often not aware of late buses it is best to contact First Student or your child's terminal for the most up to date information.
During dismissals from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m., teachers are not available for conferences. If you need to talk with a teacher, please contact the teacher directly or the Main Office to set up an appointment. Meetings can be done virtually, via phone call or in person with approval. Whenever possible an appointment must be made for in-person meetings. See the BPS visitors policy. (Safety)
Transportation – If you are moving, please note that it takes 2 weeks to process a “change of transportation” request. It is District Policy that a change of address requires you to personally provide your new proof of address email/text picture to cdford before any changes can take place in transportation. Please make sure the school is notified well before your move. Mrs. Bellina is available to assist with Transportaion matters. dbellina
One day bus passes are not issued at School 81 – If a bus student is to be picked up from school, they MUST be picked up before the bus leaves. All bus students will be placed in the bus line daily and will take the bus if they are not picked up before the bus leaves the building.
Please do not park on the sidewalk in front of the school on Tacoma Avenue or in our bus lanes during arrival or dismissal. See No Parking/ Standing signs
Remember, Safety First!
Student Absence – Please send a note upon their return. Absence forms are available on our school website. Homework requests must be made before 10 a.m. This request is for multiple days of absence. One day requests can be made up the following day of school. If requested, schoolwork/homework will be available for pick up in the main office after 2:00 p.m. The only legal absences are illness, death in the family, religious holiday or court required presence.
Student Handbook/Parent Handbook - Your child will receive a “Student Handbook and Parent Handbook”, Please review the handbooks with your child as it will provide you with further information on School 81 policies and procedures.
Thank you for your ongoing support of School 81.
School 81 Administrative Team:
Mr. Nicholas Klaich, Principal
Dr. Stephanie Adams, Assistant Principal (100-200 Homerooms
Mr. Ryan Shepherd, Assistant Principal (300 Homerooms)