Remote Learning Day
In the event of a remote day of learning, all students and staff will be instructed to stay home, and remote instruction would start at the beginning of the school day.
During a day of remote learning, students and families are to connect with their teachers using their school-issued devices through Schoology, Clever, TEAMS and/or to complete independent work that was previously sent home. Work packets and other grade level/ homeroom specific information are provided below.
For your reference, teacher emails can be accessed by clicking HERE.

Mr. Clay and Ms. Scirri's Class- Room 313
Ms. Krzes's Class-Room 212: ELA: Sign into Lexia and work on your goal of 80 min for the week; Math: Work on Moby Max for math minute goal for the week; Sci/ Soc St: Sign into Clever and go to Savvas for assignments; Myon assignments
Ms. Peart's Class-Room 210: If you can NOT log in to the Remote Instruction link, be sure to...Sign-in to the LEXIA app for ELA & complete your 80 weekly minutes (minimum); Sign in to the MobyMax App for MATH & complete your weekly minimum minutes; Sign in to SCHOOLOGY to complete all Day 4 and Day 5's ASSESSMENT for this week

Ms. Dmoch: ELA Virtual Work 1. Nearpod- Characters 2. Lexia- Complete 20 minutes each day (Day 1: Comprehension Day 2: Word Study Day 3: Grammar) 3. Read Works: Snow Day- read and complete comprehension questions 4. Check i-Ready Reading for any assignments
ELA-Read Works: Snow Day Fever
Mrs. Koscielski: Remote Instruction/Virtual Learning Math Assignments
1. All links for Remote/Virtual Learning are posted in the Remote/Virtual Learning Folder located on Schoology in your student’s math course.
2. If you are having difficulty logging into TEAMS from the link, you or your student can send me a message on Schoology to let me know.
3. All ASYNCHRONOUS assignments with links and directions will be posted in a folder with the day’s date.
4. Student’s also have access to the following math digital platforms that they can log into for mathematics practice:
Ø ALECS (located in the McGraw Hill APP on CLEVER),
Ø MobyMax (located in CLEVER), and
Ø First In Math (located in CLEVER).
*Please note, your students log in will always be their email address. Students log in daily at school and know their email addresses and passwords. If they are having difficulty logging in, I can be reached via REMIND, Schoology or at*
MATH-Dividing Decimals by Decimals
MATH-Dividing Decimals by Whole Numbers
MATH-Dividing with Mixed Numbers
SCIENCE-Grow Your Intelligence Article and Organize

Go to Clever, log in with student BPS Credentials and then do half an hour of Lexia for ELA skills.