Watch | Wednesdays with Williams! https://vimeo.com/935597996 . Celebrating Earth Day - we’ll hear from some of our students about how they are making a positive impact on our planet.

Reminder: BOE Redistricting Committee Meeting tonight, April 16, 2024 at 4:00PM. in the Waterfront School Library, 95 Fourth Street, Buffalo, NY.

Today is Purple Up Day! - BPS wears purple to celebrate our military connected students. We thank them for their strength, bravery and sacrifice!

Happy Thingyan!

Don't forget to check out Saturday Academies happening this weekend: https://www.buffaloschools.org/article/1288778

Reminder: BPS celebrates Military Kids Month & Purple Up Day by wearing purple on Monday! https://www.buffaloschools.org/article/1527133

Reminder: BPO Kids Sing Along is this Sunday! Free tickets available: https://www.buffaloschools.org/article/1517765

Reminder: Virtual Code of Conduct Review Meeting today at 10:00 am. Zoom link as follows: http://tinyurl.com/3abxpx6x

Happy Eid Al-Fitr!

Welcome back!

Happy Easter!

Reminder: CITT (Center for Innovation Technology and Training) 1515 South Park Ave. will be closed on Friday 3/28/24, Monday 4/1/24 & Monday 4/8/24 Happy last day before break!

It's time for Wednesdays with Williams! Today we’re spotlighting the STLP Summer Internship Program, featuring students from PS #304 https://youtu.be/vl91X5fKxwM

Reminder: Friday is the last day to apply for Mayor Summer Youth Employment Program: https://www.buffaloschools.org/article/1440483

Happy Monday BPS! We're looking forward to a great week of learning!

You know what time it is... it's time for Wednesday with Williams! Join us for our own "Night at the Museum", where prekindergarten students and their families will discover the wonders of science and exploration. Watch: https://vimeo.com/925258459

Reminder: Title I feedback needed. Your voice is important to us. Find the survey link here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X8SDPBP

Reminder: Mayor Summer Youth Employment Program application deadline is coming soon. March 29, 2024 is the last day for students to submit applications. All information provided here: https://www.buffaloschools.org/article/1440483

Hey Buffalo, you know what time it is... it's Wednesday with Williams! March is Women's History Month! Dr. Williams visits Early Childhood Center #17 as students highlight influential women in our history.

Reminder: Code of Conduct Review Meeting will be held tonight virtually 5:00pm - 7:00pm.