Principal's Page

principal's message

Valued Stakeholder,

            It is my highest honor to serve as the principal of Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction. As an Early Childhood Center, we have the unique responsibility of nurturing the district’s youngest learners and cultivating civic minded youngsters in preparation for their intermediate, secondary, and post-secondary experiences. Here at (AOE), we are dedicated to this work, and our specialized programming supports our efforts in ensuring that each and every student is on the path for college and career readiness when they leave our building.


            Arthur O. Eve School of Distinction is unique considering we are the only Early Childhood Center (K-4) in the district that has an Arts Integration Program. In addition, we are one of two Early Childhood Centers with a Gifted & Talented program for advanced learners. Our school specific specialized programming makes provision for students to demonstrate their creativity and individuality. To ensure that our approach to instruction is rooted in research, we incorporate Howard Garner’s theory of “Multiple Intelligences” through our strategic approach of Art Integration.


            As the instructional leader of this great building, I am committed to the continual improvement of instruction and academic achievement. As a valued stakeholder, I encourage you to join me in this commitment considering it truly “takes a village to raise a child!” Please take some time to explore the full Principal’s Corner page for information on how you can partner to support your child and/or the school community at large.


Warm Regards,

Leadership Team